Thursday, June 19, 2008

Miss Minerva Jones

The news you have all been waiting for, is the suspense killing you???? I won’t make you wait any longer; I am pleased to announce that Miss Minerva Jones is going to live! Yesterday was her one year check-up with the cardiologist and her heart is the same, if not better than last year. I guess the heart meds are working. She has also gained about a pound since her last trip (the other day I thought I noticed a back fat roll on her). B was thrilled that Merv is doing well and then pissed when I told him how much the kitty cardiologist cost. At least she does not have to go back for 18 months…If you are interested in helping defer the costs of Miss Minerva Jones’ care you can send money to the “Holy Crap Make that Cat Stop Meowing Fund”.

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