Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 bananas, 1 peel

I know you can get twins in eggs (double yolks), but has anyone else seen a twin banana??? We picked up a bunch of bananas the other night at Costco. The bunch was in a bag, so I could not thoroughly exam them for bruises, but the price was right, so I took a chance and bought a bunch. When I got home I was super excited to find that the bunch was in good condition and just needed to ripen. I went to hang the bunch on the banana hanger thingy and that’s when I noticed the twin. Very strange, but it was darn tasty in my oatmeal.



lauren said...

Have never seen anything like with bananas! My sister did have corn on the cob twins one time. There was a little baby corn attached to the bigger one when she shucked it.

Every Gym's Nightmare said...

haha, thats awesome. i got a tomato like that once, but it wasnt as cool looking

Kelly Turner